Motwane Lighting

Motwane Software provides users with robust capabilities including

Energy Saving Management, Maintenance Management, Scheduling,

Dimming and Fault Notifications.

Motwane web-based central management and control software that works in conjunction with Motwane lighting controllers to help cities, town, municipalities, parking garages, colleges and business campus. Easily control their lighting fixtures to reduce energy, maintenance and repair costs.

Accessible from any browser, Motwane software provides users with robust capabilities including ON/OFF, Scheduling, Dimming, and Fault Notifications, Various Energy management Reports and Trend analysis.

Motwane Software Features


Web Application enables programming, monitoring and control of lights

Remotely control lights for

ON/ OFF, Dimming levels
Customized Schedules

Fault Monitoring and SMS Alert and Mail Service

Burn Hours track lamp usage for predictive maintenance & replacement planning

Highly Scalable System

Analytical Reports in various Energy and other parameters including Energy Saving Report

Comprehensive Energy parameter Dashboard

Hosted or Onsite Monitoring Software Available

Integration with Google Map

Data Secured using best in class standards

Report Generation using historical data

Simple Installation in any software Platforms

Customized Cloud Server to communicate with Motwane Cloud based Central Management system

